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Hand Care Solutions

May 17, 2024 2 min read

Hand Care Solutions

The Sensitive Skincare Edit

Between gardening, cleaning, painting and puttering around your hands get exposed to a lot. What can you to do make sure they don’t look like they’ve been through a boxing match – without gloves?!! Gentle care is the key! Wear gloves whenever possible so your hands aren’t exposed to cleaning products, dirt and paint. Its sometimes difficult to remember especially when your in a hurry to get a job done but do try! Always use a gentle hand wash – try to avoid soap or anti-bacterial products are often very harsh on skin.

Hand cream such as Elave Intensive Cream is a must have for your hands. Keep it in the bathroom, the bedroom and the kitchen, near the sink so you can use it after washing your hands. Take care of your nails too. This starts with drinking enough water and eating a healthy diet.

But here are a few more tips: NEVER cut your cuticles. Keep them from drying out by using a good hand cream that is gentle and hand soaks then push them gently back with a cuticle/orange stick. Once you do this if you notice any white residue you can gently rub the area to remove this, but no cutting.

When you do cut your nails or hang nails make sure the clippers and other tools are very sharp so they don’t tear as you trim. Always trim neat and clean-not too deep. Once you get them cut, try filing weekly instead of cutting. Use the file in one direction to avoid splitting and use a good quality file. If you maintain your nails this way you may not have cut them. Use gentle hand treatments to soften your skin and your cuticles.

Some more reading material on all your skincare needs..

Age & Your Skin

Scalp & Hair Care 


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